Sunday, 18 November 2018

United States and China Relationship at the APEC summit

Deep differences between The United States and China at the APEC summit of leaders from Pacific Nations for the first time since the APEC meeting began twenty five years ago, leaders fail to agree on a final declaration.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said different views especially on Trade had prevented a con-census, earlier, The US Vice President Mike Pence have warn smaller nations gathered in Papau New Guinea for the meeting, against accepting Chinese loans.

Leaders of the APEC summit fail to reach a joint communicated aim, highly unusual for what is typically orchestry for the event. This is the first time this has happened in more than twenty years, deep divisions on trade appeared to be behind the impasse. Those different divisions, China and The United States barring over the definition of free and fair trade but the APEC host, Papau New Guinea tried to sound a note of optimism amongst all the disharmony.

The Palau New Guinea is going to be the one that will benefit most from the summit, The United States and Australia inter-muti billion dollar investment deal to build infrastructure across the impoverished country, The United States also announced it will redevelop a naval base in the region all to counter China's growing influence here.

The spat between the world's two super powers is fast turning into the world's volatile relationship with different interest ramifications for the rest of the world.

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