Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Russia-China Wars

The Russia-China joint military exercise that kicked off on Tuesday is the biggest since the height of the Cold War. The weeklong Vostok exercise marks progress in Russia’s pivot to the east, and marks the rise of a power centre that is an alternative to the United States.

India, just like the United States and Europe, must take note of this development while not being unduly alarmed.

Ties between Russia and China have strengthened in the aftermath of the West’s sanctions on Russia in the wake of the Ukraine crisis. While Russia remains a pre-eminent military power, it is not an economic powerhouse. On the other hand, China has emerged as the world’s second-largest economy, and counting.

Even though Russia has been historically suspicious of China’s intentions in its eastern provinces, circumstances have brought the two together in a strong partnership.

Russia’s suspected meddling in American and European domestic affairs, including elections, has not made relations between Moscow and the West easier.



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